Women of IT Conference 2024
[Polish below]
8th Edition of the Women of IT Conference is coming!
The event is organised by Nokia Bydgoszcz. This will be a day full of interesting presentations, motivating meetings, and networking. Join us to listen to great speakers in English and Polish Live!
Attendance in the conference is FREE, but registration is necessary for both in person and online event. We have a limited number of seats in the Conference Hall, so make sure to register soon to book your spot.
To register, click here: https://bit.ly/WomenOfIT2024 or go to our website Strona główna - Women of IT.
Key info:
Thursday, 21st November 2024, 9:00 am CET
Conference Hall at Holiday Inn Hotel in Bydgoszcz
Online: YouTube (a link will be provided after registration)
Thursday, 21st November 2024, 9:00 am CET
Conference Hall at Holiday Inn Hotel in Bydgoszcz
Online: YouTube (a link will be provided after registration)
The aim of the conference is to popularize science and IT as a career path for women. Our experts will motivate and share knowledge about current technology innovations, IT realms and science directions. It will be a meeting of women who are passionate about science and their work.
Zapraszamy na 8 edycję konferencji Women of IT. Zapewnij sobie miejsce już dziś!
- Agenda i więcej informacji: https://womenofit.pl
- Kiedy? Czwartek, 21 listopada 2024, start 9:00
- Gdzie? Holiday Inn Bydgoszcz lub On-line
Nasze wydarzenie jest bezpłatne, jednak ilość miejsc jest ograniczona.
Wykłady prowadzone w języku angielskim i polskim (sprawdź program).
Women of IT Conference 2024 8th Edition | Facebook
W przypadku pytań prosimy o kontakt na: womenof.it@nokia.com.