Online analyzes and tests

We are happy to inform you that as of the academic year 2020/2021 the SGH Warsaw School of Economics’ students can benefit from the Extended DISC Personal Analysis.We invite you to learn about the tool and its rules of use.
What is the Extended DISC Personal Analysis?
The Extended DISC analysis is an online diagnostic tool which provides the respondent with information on their preferred behavioural patterns, his or her so-called behavioural styles.You can use it to obtain the following information:
- what your communication style is;
- how you usually make decisions;
- what your strengths and potential areas for improvement are.
The test consists offilling in a short questionnaire online (which usually takes approximately 10 minutes).On the basisof the given answers, a special algorithm identifies your profile of natural behaviours.Results are discussed with the Certified Extended DISC Consultant, and thus, you will find out, among others:
- What motivates and demotivates you the most?
- Which professional situations can cause you the most stress?
- What can have the biggest impact on success in your career?
- What tasks will be the least comfortable for you?
- What types of superiors will you find the easiest and the most difficult to work with?
The Extended DISC behavioural assessment uses the four main behavioural styles developed on thebasisof thetheoretical workof Carl Gustav Jung. The author’s algorithm responsible for results of assessments was developed by the Finnish company FinxSOy Ltd. In 77 countries throughout the worldbetween 1994 and 2019, a total of almost 900,000 assessments of this type of were conducted. In Poland, over 1,500 companies used Extended DISC® assessments, which translates into tens of thousands of tests. It is a fully validated method of diagnosis adapted to the appriate population.
Why is it worth conducting the assessment?
There are many reasons why the assessment is worth conducting. Below we present a few of the most important ones from the point of view of students:
- Improving self-awareness --this tool helps a personto understand his or her natural style of behaviour, communication, making decisions and the manner of reacting to stress.Equipped with this knowledge it is much easier to make conscious decisions related to choosing our educational and professional path.
- The possibility to build more satisfactory interpersonal relations --due to the knowledge on our own natural style of behaviour and the styles of behaviours of others about which we also learn from the tool, we have the opportunity to build mature relations both in private and business lives, or within activities pursued by way of participation in student organisations.
- Personal Analysis can play a supporting role in preparing oneself for the employment recruitment processes. Self-awareness plus the terminology you will learn from the report will be useful in answering many recruitment questions.It will also assist us in matching a person to a particular position.
How to do it?
If you are a student pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics and you wish to undergo the Extended DISC Individual Analysis:
- Write to us to the address: Send the message from your email address on the domain - this way we will immediately know that you are a student at our university.
- Pay for the analysis. The analysis is paid, however, currently, the price is only PLN 49 – the remainder, that is to say, 75% of the costs related to the purchasing and servicing of the Analysis is covered by the SGH Warsaw School of Economics. You will be notified of the account number to which you should make payment in the reply e-mail from us.
- After confirmation of payment, we will send you detailed information on how to do the test and how to access the platform. You will be able to do the test from any location where you have undisturbed access to the Internet.
- When you complete the test, we will contact you in order to arrange a meeting with the Certified Extended DISC Consultant. During this meeting that lasts approx. 1h you will receive the report with the Analysis. We will also discuss the results with you.
Results of the Analysis are confidential and can be accessed only by the person participating there in and the Certified Extended DISC Consultant – employee/co-worker of the Career and Alumni Centre.
If you have additional questions or doubts, write to us at the following address: